[091120][Black Lilith] 冤罪の皇女アリア ダウンロード版

Enzai no Koujo Aria – Download Edition

Info: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=670159
Title: 冤罪の皇女アリア
Company: Black Lilith
Release: 2009/11/20
Language: Japanese
Censorship: CEN
Total size: 345 MB

[Image: roKb71WP_t.jpg] [Image: UoKbUq1O_t.jpg] [Image: 5IVZrl88_t.jpg] [Image: kDd3CyHX_t.jpg] [Image: oZeUYlyV_t.jpg] [Image: lA9U3I2R_t.jpg] [Image: ZYLUAj1r_t.jpg] [Image: mzhhxjca_t.jpg] [Image: 9zFO19EJ_t.jpg]

A contemplation of agitating the war hides behind Aria’s imprisonment. A conspiracy or a consequence of confrontation? Each personality wriggles towards the ending of the story!

During the court, she is in overwhelmingly adverse situation. Does she accept the outrageous orders in the prison to prove her innocence? Or does she tries to prove it with noble spirit in the name of justice? What awaits her, an execution in miserable state, a death with dignity or a reversing situation to exonerate the false charge?
Emperor Rothsilt frames a conspiracy and tries to declare the war on the pretext of Aria’s imprisonment. She is under increasing pressure!

Does she disgrace herself in order to win the verdict of not guilty by illegal means or does she continue to fight and believe in the justice with dogged persistence?


ESG-003665.rar (345.08 MB)



ESG-003665.rar – 345.1 MB



ESG-003665.rar – 345.1 MB





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